Fungal Infections
Fungal Infections As Co-infections or Secondary Infections in Lyme Disease Patients Who Are Immunocompromised
As of 2018, recent research by Fry Laboratories in Scottsdale, Arizona, suggests that, at least in some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and arthritis, fungus may be the actual problem. This should come as no surprise because fungi, bacteria, and viruses have been coevolving on earth and in hosts for millions and millions of years. Fungi are found throughout the environment and especially in soil, air and water, and in normal healthy people, they may not pose a problem. However, in patients who are immunocompromised, fungal infections can be VERY problematic.
Candida is a well known yeast in the intestines that feeds on sugar and can become symptom causing in patients who have a poor diet of carbohydrates and sugar. BUT…this is not the only fungus that immunocomprised patients are susceptible to. There are many other fungi that are disease causing but diagnostic testing was severely lacking. Things have changed now. Fry Labs has a urine, blood, or stool DNA sequencing test that most insurance companies cover. Disease causing fungi such as:
- Entomophthoromycota – contains pathogens of insects
- Ascomycota – parasitize mammals and cause systemic infection
- Basidiomycota – airborne cells that can cause pneumonia
- Aspergillus – causes pneumonia, sinusitis and brain absesses
- Fusarium – spreads through the bloodstream and can cause skin infections
- Mucorales – airborne and dangerous to patients with diabetes and uncontrolled blood sugar
These are simply a few of the fungal organisms that can be problematic to human health and fully recovering from Lyme Disease. But there is a test for these now and we can specifically identify them and treat them so that the total pathogen load on the immune system is reduced.
Without question fungal infections can be treated by both herbs and/or antifungal medications, but you MUST known which infection(s) you have, so that you can get on the right medication. Some natural antifungals include:
- Capryllic Acid
- Garlic
- Oregano Oil
- Neem
- Cloves
- Black Walnut
- Cinnamon
- Coconut Oil
- Ginger
Some medications that treat fungals infections include:
- Nystatin
- Diflucan
- Ketoconazole
- Sporanox
- Iatraconzole
However, antifungal medications are typically hard on the liver and routine monthly blood tests to check for liver enzymes is a MUST. Pulsing antifungal medication is also a good idea.
Talk with Dr. Marra if you would like to be tested for fungus other than Candida through Fry Labs. You won’t be sorry that you did this test.