Helpful Links
Below, you will find some links that may be helpful and provide a lot of additional information.
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Bastyr University
- Bryan Rosner’s Website
- California Lyme Disease Association
- Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
- Columbia University Lyme Disease Research Center
- Dr. Jones Kids
- Fry Laboratories
- Igenex
- International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
- Lyme Disease Action UK
- Lyme Disease Association
- Lyme Disease Books
- Lyme Disease Medical Literature Summaries
- Lyme Induced Autism
- Lyme Times
- Open Eye Pictures
- Tick Repellent Clothing
- Turn the Corner Foundation / Tick-borne Disease Alliance
- University of New Haven Lyme Research
- Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Lyme Disease Research Alliance
- Genova Diagnostics
- RealTime Labs
- Cyrex Labs
- Dunwoody Labs
- NeuroScience
- Meridian Valley Labs
- The Institute for Functional Medicine
- Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute
- Institute for Systems Biology
- American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
- Environmental Working Group
- Lyme Disease and Neuroborreliosis
- Under Our Skin, Under Our Skin 2: Emergence:
- Lymelight
- Invisible Illness: Lyme disease, TED
- Lyme Disease a Silent Epidemic Produced by France 5 Public Network and Grand Angle Directed by Chantal Perrin
- Maladie de Lyme diffusé sur France 5 le 20/5/14 (in French)
- The Voices of Lyme Disease – Breaking the Silence created by Victoria Wilcox, a 16 year old girl and her friend, Sara Lynch
- Documentary Film on Lyme Disease and Stealth Infections, Invisibly Ill, Australia
- Lyme Awareness
- Under the Eight Ball
- Yolanda Foster’s Experience With Lyme: LRA Gala
- Daryl Hall Speaks About Persistent Lyme Disease Infection
- Dorothy Leland (
- Debbie Gibson Reveals Drastic Weight Loss Caused by Lyme Disease
- Amy Tan with Ray Stricker
- Ben Stiller on David Letterman discusses Lyme disease
- Florida Reporter tells Lyme story