Conditions Treated
Conditions Treated
Lyme disease is well known in the medical community as the “Great Imitator” because of it’s ability to mimic other diseases by engaging in tricky but evolutionarily adaptive behaviors such as, molecular memory, cloaking in the host’s white blood cells rendering camouflage, and harboring in niches of the body where the immune system is unable to reach such as joint capsules.
Additionally, as we begin to understand the role that individual genomics plays in the manifestation of illness, it is more easily understood why there is such a myriad of symptom expression in Lyme disease and co-infections. Clearly the interaction between the individual genome, environment, and infection(s) gives rise to a complex constellation of not only symptoms, but disease processes mediated by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress at the cellular, tissue, organ and individual level.
The following is a brief list of the diseases that Lyme disease can mimic but there are a host of others. Keep in mind that many or most autoimmune diseases have some element of underlying infection and therefore careful consideration of infectious disease should be noted.
Allergies (Food/Environmental/Chemical) | ALS | Alzheimer’s disease |
Amino Acid Deficiencies | Anxiety | Arthritis |
Autism | Autoimmune disease | Babesia Infection |
Bartonella Infection | Borrelia Infection | Candida infections |
Coagulation Disorders | Crohn’s disease | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
Depression | Diabetes | Eczema |
Ehrlichia infection | Epilepsy | Epstein Bar Virus |
Gastritis | Genetic Snps (MTHFR and COMT) | GERD |
Graves disease | H. pylori | Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis |
Headaches | Hormones and Hormone Replacement | Human Herpes Virus 1, 2, 6 |
Hypercholesterolemia | Hypertriglyceridemia | Hypothyroid |
IBS | Immune Deficiency | Lupus |
Migraine Headaches | Mitochondrial Myopathy | Mold Toxicity |
Mononucleosis | Multiple Chemical Sensitivities | Multiple Sclerosis |
Myalgia (muscle aches) | Neuropathy | Night Sweats |
Nutritional Deficiencies | Parkinson’s disease | Psoriasis |
Scleroderma | Sjogren’s disease | Traumatic Brain Injury |