Change Your Vibe
Going through tick borne disease treatment, mold treatment, or long covid treatment is taxing, exhausting, and filled with lots of negative emotions such as fear, guilt, depression, and anxiety. We suggest you identify your personal uplifters, and utilize them extensively everyday. This is also an excellent strategy for weathering the tides of life.
For example:
- listening to music
- mediating
- yoga
- play / playing a game
- walking in nature
- coffee with a friend
- art projects
- hobbies
- reading
- laughing
- a good movie
These are able to restore your inner balance when your life is out of balance. Try and stay in a high vibration of gratitude. By making this a daily ritual, this will dramatically shorten your treatment time.
Retraining the brain through Dynamic Neural Retraining with Annie Hooper, is an excellent online resource to aid in the management of PTSD. Please refer to the website www.retrainingthebrain.com and begin the exercises. You will likely feel better, and more in control of your life.
Ashok Gupta’s Amygdala Retraining program is also helpful for jump starting your brain after an insult like tick borne disease, mold, or Covid. Please refer to this website https://www.guptaprogram.com/ for more information.
Primal Trust by Cathleen King www.primaltrust.org and Lightening Process by Amanda Ashley, www.amanda-ashley.com may also be helpful.
Lastly, the Rosenberg exercises on youtube and Craniosacral Therapy may help calm the nervous system down. The 4 following exercises are known to calm the vagus nerve, which is cranial nerve 10.
- Gagging
- Gargling
- Singing
- Humming
Finally, please listen to Ben Rector “Thank You” and surely you will feel more grateful.