Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine has a long history in both the United States and Europe as a holistic centered orientation to patient healthcare. In the state of Washington, Naturopathic doctors are considered “general practitioners” with all the medication prescriptive rights and responsibilities with the exception of scheduled drugs (i.e., pain medication). However, this office is a specialty office focusing only on tick-borne illness and associated diseases.
Five Fundamental Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:
1) The Healing Power of Nature
The healing power of nature is an inherent self-organizing and nurturing process of all living systems.
2) Find the Cause
Every illness has an underlying cause, often in aspects of lifestyle, diet or habits of the individual. A Naturopathic doctor is trained to identify and help remove the underlying causes of disease.
3) First Do No Harm
Naturopathic doctors utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful effects, and apply the least possible force or intervention necessary to diagnose illness and restore health. Whenever possible the suppression of symptoms is avoided as suppression is generally thought to interfere with the healing process.
4) Treat the Whole Person
Health or disease is initiated from a complex interaction between mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle, structural and other factors. Naturopathic doctors treat the whole person by taking all of these factors into account.
5) Preventive Medicine
The naturopathic approach to healthcare is known for preventing minor illnesses from developing into more serious chronic disease. Patients are educated about the principles with which to live a healthy life, and by following these guidelines, prevention of major illnesses is encouraged.
Natural Therapies Used in this Office
- Diet Modification
- Clinical Nutrition
- Botanical Medicine
- German Biological Medicine
- Spagyrics
- Plant Stem Cell Therapy
Healing from chronic infection/illness and disease prevention is a process that occurs on many levels in an individual. An integrated approach to medicine maximizes the potential for healing the body, mind and spirit. This is the essence of Dr. Marra’s professional goals for all patients.