Anti-Aging Medicine is designed as preventative medicine for a target population of over 50 years old. Hormone levels begin to wane with menopause and andropause, and the skin begins to change and thin. Abdominal weight gain, changes in hearing and vision, and minor cognitive changes in memory begin to occur.
With proper nutrition, exercise, and a few supplements, you can easily support the body through the aging process to prevent disease onset. Bloodwork and biomarkers can detect disease before illness occurs so that you can maintain a healthy body for as long as possible.
Dr. Marra is board certified in Anti-Aging Medicine because she wanted to ensure that she aged with grace and did everything possible to delay the “gray”. She can do the same for you as well!
Anti-Aging and preventative medicine will ensure that your road to 100 years old is smooth and disease and illness-free so that you can maximally enjoy your golden years pain-free and with the greatest degree of mobility and flexibility.