Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is characterized by extreme intolerance of environmental odors such as diesel fuel, tobacco smoke, chemicals, perfume, cleaning products, new carpeting, formaldehyde, chlorine, and a host of other odors that plague our modern world. MCS is frequently associated with “sick building syndrome” where the patient has been exposed to a water damaged building and has suffered mold and mycotoxin exposure, most often unknowingly. Exposure to these toxins over stimulates the olfactory nerve (responsible for the sensory perception of smell), and evokes cerebral activation of somatosensory regions such as the orbito-frontal cortex. Pet scan and functional MRI have identified hyper-reactivity of the limbic system with neurogenic inflammation (brain on fire). SPECT scans have identified brain dysfunction in the hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus, of patients with MCS suggesting that chronic toxin exposure resulting in chronic neuro-inflammation causes altered autonomic nervous system function and brain glucose utilization dysfunction.
The good news is that by identifying the toxin(s) responsible for the Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, we can begin to rehabilitate the detoxification processes such as glucuronidation, acetylation, methylation and sulfation by detoxifying the internal bioterrain. Brain detox is a tricky endeavor and patients may need additional support such as lymphatic drainage, craniosacral treatment, massage, dynamic neural retraining, acupuncture, and stationery exercise (jumping on a trampoline or rebounder), to initiate proper lymph drainage from the brain. As the brain becomes less inflamed, the olfactory nerve becomes less sensitized, and the patient experiences a less irritable nervous system.
Clearly patients who suffer from MCS have genetic snps that contribute to this condition. By identifying the detox pathways that are operating sub-optimally, we can begin to nutritionally support those pathways in such a way that the physiology is no longer so severely stressed, and a gradual return to optimal function can occur. However, this process IS NOT quick, and patience is required during the healing process. For help with identifying your detoxification snps, please contact Dr. Marra’s office.