Instructions for Tick Removal.
Any tick that is attached to the skin should be removed carefully and quickly using the following guidelines:
- Using small tweezers, grasp the head of the tick at the skin and hold firmly without squishing it, and pull STRAIGHT OUT without twisting or turning it. There may be some resistance as ticks secrete a cement- like substance that allows them a tight hold on the skin site of attachment.
- Place the tick in a small jar and save to send to Igenex, Inc. for PCR/DNA testing of the tick for Lyme Disease.
- NEVER squeeze or burn a tick.
- NEVER use any ointments at the site of the tick bite.
- Clean the tick bite site thoroughly with alcohol.
- Phone your physician and make an appointment immediately.
- Monitor the site of the tick bite and note any strange rashes.
- Take a magic marker and draw an outline around the edge of the rash so the Lyme Literate physician can see the extent of the rash. The marker won’t wear off in a shower if you have to wait to see the physician.
- Take a picture of the rash, and bring the picture with you to the doctor’s office so that if the rash fades, the physician can still assess it.
- Rashes can also occur on the body other than at the site of the tick bite so make note of these as well.
- Fleas, mosquitoes, sand flies, and probably any biting insect may also transmit Lyme Disease, so if you have suspicious swelling after an insect bite, take a picture of it and bring that picture to a Lyme Literate doctor’s office.