Healing the Microbiome is so important when dealing with Chronic Illness. Many of the issues that are pervasive among all patients with multiple tick-borne illnesses, is that their microbiome (internal bio terrain) is severely disturbed by the presence of pathogenic organisms. Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar or good ole homemade sauerkraut are excellent dietary additions to begin healing a diseased microbiome. These foods are rich in enzymes and good bacteria for the gut generating many benefits for healing.
Vinegar has been used as a remedy for centuries. Additionally, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that suppresses appetite and increases metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Lastly, the amino acids in it boost energy and act as an antidote for fatigue.
What is it that’s so special about fermented foods and vegetables? Fermentation simply refers to an ancient technique and perseveration method that naturally alters the chemistry of foods. The fermentation process produces beneficial probiotics. Make Sauerkraut at home with this recipe! It is very nutritious. It reduces inflammation, improves digestion, boosts your immune system, helps reduce stress, and maintains brain health. Even eating a small amount daily — just several tablespoons — provides a great source of nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous — and, of course, probiotics.